Brianna Blechinger

Brianna is the founder and CEO of Illuminated Warrior LLC.

A little bit about Brianna: 
Brianna has not had an easy life coming from a divorced family, with psychological, emotional, and physical neglect and abuse. Brianna learned unhealthy coping mechanisms with substances at a very young age.

Developing substance abuse at the age of 13. Her rock bottom was 20 some years later homeless and living in filth. She finally woke up and that is when Brianna started to live, she was reborn out of the ashes.

Brianna has had many trials and tribulations since her spiritual awakening. Healing trauma isn't easy, It’s tough work.

Through her over a decade of sobriety and awakening Brianna realized her calling was to help those like herself. Who have had trauma or substance abuse, anyone who is ready to heal and transform their life.

Brianna’s talents of the spiritual kind are of course content creator and a meditation facilitator.

Brianna has been doing energy healing for over a decade.

She uses her experience to lead empathic women to rise, taking them from cursed to blessed.

Brianna will use her extensive skill base, such as Usui Reiki Master, Crystal Reiki Master, Light Language Linguist, Akashic Healer, Seer, Soul Retrieval, Energy Weaver, Channel Conduit, Psychic, Medium, and Light Codes, to aid in her client's transformations.

As a certified Energetic Alchemist Coach, she helps women heal traumas energetically and emotionally while simultaneously supporting them.

Brianna enables her clients to recover anything, from limiting beliefs to trauma.
Once healed, she helps her clients instill a new belief system to support them in achieving their desires and living their most fulfilled lives.

She doesn't just help you heal and guide you but Brianna walks through the fire with you every step of the way.

She knows exactly what and how you feel as she is highly empathetic and intuitive. In all her healing she gives a 110% always! Brianna gives messages from lost loved ones and spirit guides if and when they come through.

Brianna has many healing modalities and intertwines them all to work cohesively together as one for your best interest guided by your energy and spiritual team.

She is a stubborn Aries. Brianna has fought hard to get where she is in life now.
Brianna runs a Facebook group for Empathic Women to deepen their Spiritual Healing journeys in a safe space.
 While supporting you there.

If you would like to join a supportive soul vibe tribe hit that link
Let's support one another in a community of like-minded people. If you would like to know more keep reading, further down are some testimonials about her services and the work she does.

This is a private Facebook group where spiritually lead and higher vibrating empathic souls come to together to grow, learn, evolve heal,  ascending and evolving.

I created this space to help empathic souls coming from cursed to blessed so that they may rise!.

You may once a week promote  and offer your services/ programs.

This is a sacred safe space for all whom are looking for like minded spiritual connections.

You may post funny memes, ask your spiritually lead questions.

I look forwardin seeing you in there!

 Light Language Light Language Linguistics is a form of communication that surpasses human limitations of the meaning of words.

 Light Language has no set alphabet.

 It is a vibrational expression that speaks directly to your soul and of your DNA.

Light language can help you heal spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

 Their are many forms of light language such as: speach, dance, hand movement, drawn coding.

This modality specifically is of light language linguistics spinning is formulated and channeled to cohesivly harmaniize and balance your chakras and energetic body, mind and soul.

Each chakra spinning is grouped together to specific chakras to match them to work together specifically for your energetic body.

Sacred Soul Essence Key Codes, MASTER CODES, are one of a kind channeled by the one and only Brianna Blechinger who has been a channel for over a decade now!

 These codes are a mix of light codes and sigils mix which are VERY  extremely powerful MASTER Codes and effective coding. 

 It is of its own kind....

 No one else is channeling these codes as of yet. 

The way these work .
You can channel the guidance per your client/self or go from the booklet. 
There is also energetic healing guidance per card so you may implament energetically what the card has to offer you into our being. 

So. this is not only insight but ...

 Insight with healing with use of the MASTER CODING!

For me the Spiritual Awakening Volume 2 lead me through whence I came to awakening.

 I thought you only spiritually awaken once but you are consciously always ever evolving and growing and awakening.

This book leads you through my ebb and flow of life falling and getting back up and rising to the heavens of where star dust and angels are made of.

Each time I fell I rose even higher.

When you fall there is no place to go but up.

May my journey enlighten you and help you find your own truth in this maze of evolutionary soul growth and amazing experiences we call life!...

This program is for you if you want to awaken your psychic gifts and abilities or broaden your spiritual knowledge and consciousness to grow. giving you the skills necessary to be a witch and lightworker like others who have come before you, it is now your turn to pave the way by coaching guiding, and teaching you in such skills with multiple techniques and tools such as divination and channeling and more. HIT that link to find out the deets!...

"Just wanted to come in again and say a huge thank you to Brianna Blechinger, I had another phenomenal energy/coaching/healing session vibe. I don't even know how to express my gratitude and appreciation for all that you do. Thank you, beautiful sister. I feel lighter after our call once again. Calm and grounded and supported. I always feel safe with you and we resonate so much, you are so understanding and just amazing. I highly recommend B for any of her beautiful magic! Thank you! Love you more than you will ever even comprehend! My heart is full".
"Brianna and I have had several sesons. She has a natural ability to intutitevly and empathetically guide me through any emotions, throughts or energies may be feeling or holding on to. She’s alsoo helped me dissolve several limiting beliefs,, contracts and karmic cycles within the akasha. I can’t thank her enough for her talent as an energy healer and coach."
"Oct 23rd. I had a spirit companion download with brianna. A gorgeous crystaline ivory dragon came to me. I felt the warmth of the awakening and bonding occurring in my solar plexus area. She told me her name is sheiana. She is beautiful with gorgeous sapphire blue eyes. She helps me daily with not only my physical digestion but also helps me to digest channelled messages to make them more clear for me during my client readings. My spell casting and my personal life. I adore her and love Knowing that she and i are bound for this lifetime as well as into others. Being bound to a spirit companion is a wondrous experience and i highly recommend getting your own special spirit companion found and bound to you by brianna ."
April Farrall. The mystickal crone.
"This was my first experience of energy weaving and I love it! Brianna was spot on from the beginning and from watching the recording was more of an experience than I expected since she had already completed the weaving. I felt a lot of sensations and emotions, with tears pouring out at times. Every word she spoke resonated. I am feeling much lighter a few days later. My advice to you is to drink lots of water!!! She is very powerful!!! During the energy weaving, she found a parasite so we added a cord cutting to help clear that up. Will be planning to get this at least once a year-Cant thank you enough-Brianna"
"I got a Coaching Session from Brianna and she very naturally and gently took me through some major traumas that have been holding me back for years. Anytime I started panicking, she gently guided me back to center to continue the healing session. She knew what I needed and took my feelings into consideration as we progressed. Thank you Brianna for the help!" Tierrah
Brianna is top-tier at her craft and does every bit of it with genuine love and care. As someone who works with a lot of different people every day, I'm bound to have quite a few energetic connections form between myself and others and she picked up on every single one of them and was able to cut them with ease. I could just feel my entire energetic body feel so refreshed after her service and slept so incredibly well that night. She received so many messages from my guides as well as loved ones who have passed on that rang so true regarding what I needed to hear during this time in my life. I can't thank her enough for her incredible gifts. She is a lovely soul and if you're thinking about getting this service, do it! You won't regret it!"
"Brianna has a natural ability to intuitively and naturally guide me through any emotions thoughts or energies I may be feeling or holding onto. She has also helped me dissolve several limiting beliefs contracts and karmic cycles within the Akash I cant thank her enough for her talents and her energy."
"I serously think everyone should have a spirit companion. I received mine about a month ago. It's a very comforting feeling of ongoing support and growth. I'm looking forward to getting more. Brianna Blechinger is amazing."
" This just had me bawling like a baby was just so so beautiful.  Nicole and Brianna thank you so much for everything you do. You have no idea how much you have changed my life for the better. I know you'll say it's the universe and guides and stuff but you ladies are beacons and without the light beacons us ships would crash into the rocks."

Frequently asked questions about Spirit Conjuration / bindings

Spirit Conjuration is when a conjurer will bind  entity / spirit to your soul being from the spirit world or other realms. Companions are  entities that are bound to your being and they have qualities that may assist you in bettering your life or just simply having a bond with one. 

No two spirit companions are a like such as their gifts, qualities and ceromonial offerings to honor and respect them and to keep the connection strong. It may be as simple as lighting a candle at perhaps a set standered time each week or setting out their favorite food. Howevere this will be channeled per companion when binding ritual is in proccess.

You will receive a pdf with all the information about your new spirit companion(s) information. what he/she/it likes, do's and don'ts. RItual rights, offerings and so forth.
How to notice your companion is communicating with you. ETC...

Spirit Conjuration Disclaimer
I do not and am not reponsible for the communication between the both of you. This is merely for entertainment puposes only. What you experience is of personal nature and no two experiences are a like. I give a PDF of direction and guidance if you follow it, it is up to you thus the outcome is souly your responsiblity with the experiences there after. This does not and should not replace any medical advice as I am not a medial practitioner and am not able to treat, diagnoise or remaidy any aliments..


$125.25 USD

Per healing session

  • This is for you if you are feeing out of flow, bogged down. Perhaps even unbalanced in your energetic body. Then it can even affect you in your mind body and soul. How this service will help you is:
  • Scanning of your chakras if they are rotating properly,unbalanced,overactive or even underactive and if they are spinning right way.
  • If they are needing to be replaced, upgraded or just simply shinned up and rotated to be spinning at the right spead.
  • Lifes cirrcumstances can affect our mind, body and soul, really affecting us more than we can even comprehend.
  • This service is good to do every now and then. Let your intuition guide you as towhen or if you need help I can do a brief consult through FB Dm to advise best course of action.
  • As a BONUS while the going gets hot I am offering any God or goddess energy weaving within your chakras to help compliment your healing experience for a better way of life. PLUS this is just bad *ss and fun to do!
  •  With this service, I give channeled guidance and messages. 
  • This service will be done VIA PDF and sent to you either email or FB DM, however you wish to receive.

Empath Warrior Spirit companioN ™

$55.55 USD

Per empath warrior companion service

  • Companions are positive entities that are bound to your being and they have qualities that they help you out with. It is a commitment as offerings are usually requested to them to honor them.
  • Empath Warriors help gifted humans by teaching them how to control their gifts. To teach that this is not a curse but a blessing. All the empath Warriors come in all shapes and sizes; they have been chosen. They are amongst the strongest empaths from all over the galaxies. If you need help understanding or controlling your empathy this would be perfect for you. With all sessions, I give messages and guidance that may be needed. This is done up in a PDF form then sent to you.

CUstom Spirit conjuration spirit companioN ™

$125.55 USD

Per conduration service

  • Companions are positive spirit entities that are bound to your being. They have qualities that benifit and help you out in life.  Each one is unique to its self, no two are a like. 
  • It is a commitment just as having a relationship or friendship in 3D. Depending on the spirit there may be offerings needed to respect and honor the spirit. Offerings are usually given as for a request for something in return or to keep the commitement solid with one another.  
  • A custom conjuration is were you may request certain traits or qualities per spirit companion or you may already have a spirit in mind.

Energetic ALchemY  CoachinG ™

$435.00 package of 3 sessions. 

3 payments of  $145. The payments must be paid before each session

  • Brianna helps you discover limiting beliefs buried deep within, and then with her guidance she helps you remove them in the Akashic Records and then program in positive new beliefs. She helps you develop.   Your soul needs to clear emotional upheaval and much more. This is for you

Psychic Awakening Activation / ADVANCEMEnT (Let's wake the f*ck up) 


 Per service session

  • Are you wanting or are pondering about opening your psychic gifts/abilities? 
  • We all were born with them, we all have them its just a matter of waking them up again.
  • If you are reading this im sure you're interests are peaked! Our gifts/abilities are our birth right that have just been forgotten.
  • This modality was taught to me during my training in becoming a Master in Crystal Reiki and I've been using it for over a deecade helping people re-awaken their gifts/abilities.
  • This is done with Crystal Reiki Brianna uses a crystal grid layout with crystal reiki symbols to awaken your psychic sense. If called to she may use light language linguistics as well.
  •  If your senses are already awakened this will enhance your gifts. What this means is strengthen them and it's kind of like when you are trying to tunein a tv staation with those rebbit ears, Well persisly what we are doing. (FINE TUNNING.)
  • This will be done distantly and a link will be given to you to download the session. Brianna will give any guidance or channeled messages that come through during the session.

Aura cleaning and cutting the shit out(Cords)

$80.00 USD

 Per session

  • Have you been feeling sluggish, drained and weak but you've been getting enough sleep?

  • Any aches and pains for no apparent reason well then,this may be exacly what you are needing.
  • You can get cords hooks and attachments throughout the day in person or from being on social media and if a cord or hook pierces your aura for too long it can manifest physically causing aches and pains, disrupted sleep, or playing tired all the time.
  •  This, then will give you a sense of revitalization.
  •  Let’s get your aura and enegetic well being  in tip-top shape and sparkling from ear to ear, shall we? 
  • This will be done and recorded on then a link for you to download will be sent to you.
  •  Brianna will deliver any channeled guidance or messages that come through during session for you as well.

Bri's Akashic Alchemy Shinanigians ™

$125.00 USD

 Per session

3 session package, @ $436.35.

 (Discount if paid in full you will receive a BONUS Akashic coaching session and extra extra BONUS a channeled reading/guidance from Spirit guides.

The Akashic Records are records and history of ALL of your souls experiences of existance..

 We dive in together in your Akashic records with you deciphering what is needng healing and while supporting you at the same time.

  • This is done together on a ZOOM MEETING CALL.
  • You may have a recording of seession Just ask before session starts.
  • Each session will not exceeed an hour but may be less. It is based on per healing/coaching needs per session and requirements. 
  •  What to expect: everyone may experience healing and clearings different such as dizziness, light headed, exuastion, energetc burst, emotoinal sensitivities, releasing and letting go of thing that no longer serve. 
  • For the BONUS, BONUS you will receive channeled guided messages in refference of your healing/coaching anything flies based on what spirit guides guidance.
  • You will be supported throughout the session in a gentle manor.

About my services

Again welcome to my page!. I hope you were able to find what you needed. Like I said in the video I'm here if you need some help deciding whats best for your energetic needs.

We can an do a 20 minute (Service Chat ™), and see what is needed and what direction to begin with.

You may reach out to me VIA facebook hiting message under the  service where it says (MESSAGE HERE).

Or, Email me @ When emailing me in perentisies please put, (WEBSITESERVICES)

 I can't wait to meet you.
Love always Brianna.