Light language Linguisitcs activation chakra spinning™ package

This is made with you in mind. For your mind body and soul.

  Light Language Light Language Linguistics is a form of communication that surpasses human limitations of the meaning of words.
 Light Language has no set alphabet. It is a vibrational expression that speaks directly to your soul and of your DNA. Light language can help you heal spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Their are many forms of light language such as: speach, dance, hand movement, drawn coding.

This modality specifically is of light language linguistics spinning is formulated and channeled to cohesivly harmaniize and balance your chakras and energetic body, mind and soul.
Each chakra spinning is grouped together to specific chakras to match them to work together specifically for your energetic body.

To haramanize, balance and equalize your energetic mind body and soul.

There is a bonus spinning in the beginning called Protection Spinning light language linguistics as you should always do protection before any and all kinds of energy work.
 You may use this as many times as desired and needed to help yourself on your ascension journey.
There are 6 chakra spinningsPLUS one BONUS.

This is all for $125.25USD which for my normal healing this is what I charge and you are getting all of it PLUS a bonus.

The Protection Spinning you may use before you go out or if you just feel you need an extra beef up of protection.

Course Curriculum

Brianna Blechinger Blechinger

April farrall. The mystickal crone


I had a spirit companion download with brianna. A gorgeous crystaline ivory dragon came to me. I felt the warmth of the awakening and bonding occurring in my solar plexus area. She told me her name is sheiana. She is beautiful with gorgeous sapphire blue eyes. She helps me daily with not only my physical digestion but also helps me to digest channelled messages to make them more clear for me during my client readings. My spell casting and my personal life. I adore her and love Knowing that she and i are bound for this lifetime as well as into others. Being bound to a spirit companion is a wondrous experience and i highly recommend getting your own special spirit companion found and bound to you by brianna .

Course Pricing

Chakra Spinning Bundle

$125.25 USD

  • one time payment

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