She uses a number of alternative practices.

To empower her clients who wish to embark on a spiritual journey. Working with dream interpretations, herbology, crystal uses, multiple divination techniques; Oracle's, and tarot. She also uses rune readings both witches and elder furthark. Candle magic, general magic and astrology. 

Everything mentioned above are things she herself has personally dealt. The above are also methods she uses in her spiritual journey and daily life. 

Nicole helps people to be able to love, empower, and accept so that they can become the best version of themselves in their entire being. 
Nicole is known for her magical teachings and her knowledge within it. She helps those find their true selves through their path.

 “I believe a holistic approach to self-improvement and healing by aligning mind, body, and spirit driven and guided by active intention.” - Nicole Denner

Before pursuing her career as a life coach, she studied fashion design at LISOF as clothing and aesthetics have long been a passion of hers. However, her life took a turn, and, in the end, after beginning her own journey of healing and improvement.
She realized she could use the knowledge she gained. From her experiences to help others going through difficult times. She changed her life course and studied life coaching at Trifocuss Fitness Academy. Where she qualified and received her certification.

She then began practicing in 2016.

“The most rewarding aspect of coaching is helping people on their life journey. Seeing them grow and make strides forward to their goals. That is priceless!” -Nicole Denner

In the years since then, she has not stopped growing, continuing her studies, and becoming certified in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and Mental Health practices.

She has also engaged in motivational speaking, been featured and spoken on international talk shows and numerous podcasts, collaborated in articles in magazines and in 2022 became a published collaborative author.
She also practices and teaches magic.

“My mission is to be your helping hand and guide. I have walked my own hard road and I’m still here! I see you. I hear you. I understand. I want you to overcome your obstacles. Together we will find and equip you with the tools that are right for you.

 Life is an adventure with ups and downs even in the darkest of days it is possible to find the light and overcome trials and tribulations. We aim to take forward steps towards your goals and aspirations. You can become your own greatest asset!” – Nicole Denner.

."Nicole assisted me immensely, and taught me a great deal about myself. She has a very open and caring personality. Very easy to interact with! She was absolutely professional on all levels in guiding me with negotiating the stressfulness of starting and running a business.Nicole is certainly well organized and efficient and I would highly recommend her for any positions that require the above personality traits and skill set.She is very good with people in general, and strives to be the best at any given task and challenge.Further, she continued to be there after the course, whenever I needed advice or someone to speak to.This clearly defines Nicole as someone that goes above and beyond the status quo."
Chris Smit
"“Nicole is an amazing coach and person. She helped me heal with things that I had been struggling with my whole life. She made me feel more at peace with myself, my body and the biggest of all, food.She made me feel safe and understood in every session, and at the end of our sessions it’s as though a weight had been lifted. It cannot be put into words how grateful I am to have Nicole as my coach, as every day I am amazed at how far I’ve come in my healing journey because of Nicole.”
"My coaching sessions with Nicole were an anchor in making the necessary changes in my life . She helped create a very safe space, and her understanding, motivation and persistence are her biggest strengths . She was there with me every step of the way. She allowed me to leap into the unknown where I could start working hard to regain my balance. She granted me grace in my angst and helped me fight my demons and find my peace.She knows when to stay on purpose, holding the focus yet always allowing me to express my feelings as necessary. I am currently a very proud business owner and accomplishing my dreams with Nicole's support every step of they.Thank you for everything Nicole. I wouldn't be the woman I am today of or wasn't for you."
To my dearest Nikki Nicole, thank you so much for my dream interpretation it was so wild how it was telling me what is going on in my life. I have a dream book but never new dreams could be analyzed and channeled well I just didn't think about it. Anyways your precision and execution to a T is a miracle in itself and I highly recommend an Nikki Nicole to any of you out there who have dreams that are making them question things"
Brianna Blechinger
"Nicole is pure magic , She always has a spell or ritual to help with literally ANYthing! Plus she is very in-tune with her gifts. She has done past-life and rune readings for me and they are always always spot on. Nicole see’s you in a way not many coaches or healers are able to, just beautiful, thank you for seeing me + supporting me
xoxo" - Sarah …
 "I had my reading done by the incredible Nicole 🌹 She confirmed everything that I already knew but could not put into words. You reassured me of what is coming and has been happening and was spot on through the entire reading. I am absolutely blown away by this beautiful and kind person and I felt a connection to you as soon as I messaged you. 🌹 Call it soul sisters 🧿 Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for your reading 🌹You are out of this world 🥰
Shannon Fraser
"Nikki what tenderness and grace! Thank you so much for the rune reading. Your rendering of the rune reading helped me to embrace all the changes I'm experiencing right now and see my angels' wisdom. Healing has come for me, and the report from the runes gave me expectation of more health and joy, and less anxiety about receiving it. And on top of that, the grace and kindness you exude when explaining something even you don't understand is superlative! I highly recommend anyone to take a moment to let Nikki read the runes for you. And basking in her gentle, loving tenderness is an exceptional bonus!! Thank you again, Beautiful! "
Ethel J. Smith
"I have recently had a past life read with Nicole. My read was absolutely amazing. Every single word resonated with me strongly. Not only did it resonate, it triggered me to remember and clearly recall events that happened. With Nicoles outstanding abilities, I have been able to "go back" and release some things that may have been holding me back in this lifetime. The clarity ✨️ and understanding that I came away with are priceless. It is so obvious that Nicole truly cares about people and wants to help. I am looking very forward to more reads as well as courses and hopefully in the near future coaching. Nicole is such a beautiful soul and I am so grateful to have found her. 💖"
Charlotte Zarelli
"When I first met Nicole, I was in a terrible place in life. Good Grades at college were diminishing quickly, mental health deteriorating faster than I could keep pace, motivation going down as well. I was a complete and total mess. I met this woman and she took my dark world and turned on the light switch. I was trying to let go of mistakes and self-hatred from the past, I was trying to make myself a better person, which is rather unusual in my case. It was always one hit and down and out for a while until I mustered up enough self-confidence to at least acknowledge the fact that my issues were affecting my life and mentality.This was mainly caused by years of self-destructive tendencies and me trying to reel myself in from the damages. After a little bit of communication and CONSTRUCTIVE honesty from her we were able to rather quickly identify the core of every issue I had, it was reigned in as past trauma and paralyzing fear of what the future could hold for me. Something she knew a bit too well. It was weird having someone talk about similar traumatic events that she has faced in, a way that was more of a level of understanding than ANY f*king psychologist or psychiatrist ever could. It’s a hard thing to put into words, having to literally dedicate the fact that I am SANE right now is because of one person, so forgive my crudeness. Although, its all a very recent thing in my life currently its almost like I have a drive to want to make it through to the next day.Instead of dreading the next sunrise I crave it because she helped me discover that I can spend that whole next day in my search for the creation of happiness.Isn’t that one of the things life is about? Finding how to create your own happiness? I have spent many years of my life just sitting and wallowing in the putrid and lowest levels of my self-hatred and even death didn’t seem like it would help. Just that day in day out lifestyle. Not knowing if your next moment will be your last because you took one pill too many or took one injection too far.Nicole confirmed a suspicion that I had developing for a while up at that point. She confirmed that I have actually had so much time in my life just, taking each moment as it comes and not truly living. Which WASN’T a good mentality for my depressive state at the time. I owe it to her. All of it."

This program is for you if you want to awaken your psychic gifts and abilities or broaden your spiritual knowledge and consciousness to grow. giving you the skills necessary to be a witch and lightworker like others who have come before you, it is now your turn to pave the way by coaching guiding, and teaching you in such skills with multiple techniques and tools such as divination and channeling and more. HIT that link to find out the deets!....


EMAIL: n.v.mills@outlook.com
FB profile: Nicole Denner
FB page: Nico Life Coaching TM




DISCLAIMER: If the client is late - the time will be taken off the 60-minute session. If Nicole is late - the client will receive the full 60-minute session. Nicole is not medical health professional, she is certified in her field but cannot prescribe medication. Nicole works with both conventional coaching and alternative methods in healing as well as a holistic approach in terms of guidance with herbal/home remedies in healing. Nicole does the best of her capabilities to achieve the clients' best satisfaction, however, the client therefore; must work with her to receive the desired results. The coach requires a 24-hour notice if the client cannot attend the session. If a 24-hour notice is not given the payment is surrendered to the coach unless stated by Nicole. You understand that all sales are final unless Nicole states otherwise. With the purchase of the services, you agree to the terms and conditions set here and so forth and agree that you understand the disclaimer, and privacy notice. I understand that the coach does not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. You understand that coaching and holistic alternative methods do not take the place of medical care. It is recommended that you see a licensed physician, or a licensed healthcare professional for any physical or psychological ailment you may have. You understand that alternative methods, coaching, and any medical or psychological care you may be receiving can all work hand in hand however the coach may suggest that a medical health professional is needed for further help.
PRIVACY NOTICE: No information about a client will be discussed or shared with any third party without the written consent of the client