Ignite the Magick Within™

Do you want to awaken your inner lightworker and inner witch

The Woo-Woo Lightworker & Witch Craft Academy ™:
(Ignite Your Magick Within™ )

This program is for you if you want to awaken your psychic gifts and abilities or broaden your spiritual knowledge and consciousness to grow. giving you the skills necessary to be a witch and lightworker like others who have come before you, it is now your turn to pave the way by coaching guiding, and teaching you in such skills with multiple techniques and tools such as divination and channeling and more

"You're amazing and it's my pleasure. I only speak the truth. Your healings are so DAMN powerful." 
Client Win

The kicker here is we are uniting witchcraft and light working together as one.

If you have always been interested in learning the ways of Light Working, Witchery and Channeling so you can receive the messages you need for yourself this is for you. This program is perfect whether it be used for professional or personal use. 

This course is covering it all, with an all-in-one program. This course will be giving you all the tools that lightworkers and witches have learned beyond decades of learning, channeling, and growing in themselves professionally and personally with dedication and tenderness to your needs. Do you want to learn how to channel spirit, use your intuition, trust your intuition, and channel? All things white, light, magic witchcraft! 

Do you have this dream and feeling within you? 

The desire to help guide souls and help them rise from the ashes. 
To Help them heal and mend to ascend. 

Guiding them to transcend from the darkness into the light, to transcend the universe from the age of darkness to give hope to the universe. 

To Be the hope, to be the beacon of light where there is darkness the training here is for THE NEW souls of light working and witchcraft combined. They are one in the same but a new way and new age.

What Nicole and Brianna will provide:

 You will learn how to connect/trust your intuition.

You will learn how to feel different types of spirits.

How to channel

Light language linguistic activations

 Moon magick

Crystal magick

Insight into herbs and their uses, which include oils and incense

Candle magick

Take that leap of faith and ignite the witch and lightworker within yourself™!. 

"My coaching sessions with Nicole were an anchor in making the necessary changes in my life . She helped create a very safe space, and her understanding, motivation and persistence are her biggest strengths .She was there with me every step of the way.She allowed me to leap into the unknown where I could start working hard to regain my balance.She granted me grace in my angst and helped me fight my demons and find my peace.She knows when to stay on purpose, holding the focus yet always allowing me to express my feelings as necessary."

This course covers many things, such as teaching you how to connect and trust your intuition, how to connect with spirit, channel spirit, and different kinds of spirits.

There will be many topics discussed.

You will be taught to use your intuition using different divination techniques/modalities

There will be a module on tarot cards briefly discussing major and minor arcana.

There will be a discussion on witch's runes.

 Pendulum magick,

Ritual baths,

Cord cutting, (witchy woo way).

You will be helped to see what your strongest clairs gift/abilities are, and you will be worked with to strengthen your gifts.

Nicole Denner and Brianna Blechinger are bringing you both lightworking and Witchery combined..

If you want to make an impact in this universe & if you have felt that you have a higher purpose but haven't been sure, this is your calling.

This is no coincidence Here is a testimonial below of truth.

"Brianna is top-tier at her craft and does every bit of it with genuine love and care. As someone who works with a lot of different people every day, I'm bound to have quite a few energetic connections form between myself and others and she picked up on every single one of them and was able to cut them with ease. I could just feel my entire energetic body feel so refreshed after her service and I slept so incredibly well that night. She received so many messages from my guides as well as loved ones who have passed on that rang so true regarding what I needed to hear during this time in my life. I can't thank her enough for her incredible gifts. She is a lovely soul and if you're thinking about getting this service, do it! You won't regret it!"

You are ready to be a leader let's dive in together being fully supported.
Here is a testament from a beautiful client.

 "I have recently had a past life read with Nicole.My read was absolutely amazing.Every single word resonated with me strongly.Not only did it resonate, it triggered me to remember and clearly recall events that happened.With Nicoles outstanding abilities, I have been able to "go back" and release some things that may have been holding me back i n this lifetime.The clarity ✨️ and understanding that I came away with are priceless.It is so obvious that Nicole truly cares about people and wants to help. I am looking very forward to more reads as well as courses and hopefully in the near future coaching. Nicole is such a beautiful soul and I am so grateful to have found her.💖" 
Charlotte Zarelli


There will also be energetics around activating your psychic abilities/gifts and ascending them from beyond where they are currently. Here we are covering energetics such as, (THE AKASHIC RECORDS.) in ALL aspects around pain-limiting beliefs and, (feminine persecutions™) from past to current lives and work in general.

Nicole has been a lifelong High Priestess and she will be teaching you everything witchy-woo and passing down the torch.

Take what you want from this course and study what you feel called to.


This is at your own pace.

You will always have access to the online portal as it is evergreen.

About time right!...

Everything here is well worth over  $30,000.00 in training.

TO get in the price now is an amazing low fee of  $4,999.99USD still such an amazing offer with the worth and how this course will transform your life.

There are many offordable payment options below. We want to support you and are makng this accesible for you.

We would be honored to walk with you on your journey.™


"Nicole is pure magic 🪄She always has a spell or ritual to help with literally ANYthing!Plus she is very in-tune with her gifts.She has done past-life and rune readings for me and they are always always spot on. Nicole see’s you in a way not many coaches or healers are able to, just beautiful, thank you for seeing me + supporting me xoxo- Sarah

You will receive a three-month private Facebook group with the $4,999.99 purchase, a membership for a supportive tribe, community, energetics, live teachings, and live coaching you through the process of the energy shifts of what you are becoming which is a lightworker and witch wether it be for business or personal growth however you choose to use this divine wisdom.

When you activate and are growing your psychic senses it is important to practice,
As Brianna Say's
 "it's like working out a muscle to get your gifts stronger you must work it out to gain momentum and strength as it helps you build your confidence and psychic power, gifts, and abilities. (YOUR SUPER POWERS)"™

You will not only have the support of Brianna and Nicole but of all the souls that are a part of this tribe.

There will be scheduled practice pods.

You can go live and practice with others in the group at your leisure.

This is going to be fun and beneficial for you.
This is like no other before!

This will be your Soul tribe which is a sacred and safe space where you can be yourself and discover your true inner being.

Meet like minded souls, disucces things of a spiritual wisdom, witchery and lightworkering.

This is going to be beyond life-changing for you.

Nicole and Brianna created this, especially with YOU in mind!

The choice is yours

Another phenomenal review!...

"This was my first experience of energy weaving and I love it! Brianna was spot on from the beginning and from watching the recording was more of an experience than I expected since she had already completed the weaving. I felt a lot of sensations and emotions, with tears pouring out at times. Every word she spoke resonated. I am feeling much lighter a few days later. My advice to you is to drink lots of water!!! She is very powerful!!! During the energy weaving, she found a parasite so we added a cord cutting to help clear that up. Will be planning to get this at least once a year. thank you enough"-Brianna

How this path has changed and enhanced Nicole's life and mine, (Brianna's)

 "Since choosing this path it has transformed and changed my life. Given me purpose and excitement. The things I have experienced and felt from channeling and awakening to my new path of becoming a lightworker and a witch can not put it into words. 
The things I have channeled. Its simply awesome and beautiful.
The peace and the help I've brought to people's lives is a special kind of love...
The connections you'll make in this course is forever!...
Just powerful."

"I have been on my spiritual path since a very young girl, I have always been deeply connected to mother nature and tapped into universal and earth energies my whole life. Being on this path has helped me in all areas of my life, practicing my spirituality and craft every day of my life has given me strength and inner power. I feel a deep love from the earth and embrace it all with my whole heart. Being so connected is simply amazing. It has gotten me through trying times throughout my life. I will forever be grateful for the path I have chosen. It is pure peace, contentment, and a beautiful force of energy. My life only continues to transform into bloom. Helping me grow and flourish in all areas of my life. My Mind, body & soul."

Brianna M Blechinger

Brianna Blechinger is the founder and CEO of Illuminated Warrior LLC., She is a course content creator, and a meditation facilitator. She has been doing energy healing for over a decade and uses her experience and knowledge to lead empathic women to rise, taking them from cursed to blessed.

Brianna uses her extensive skill base, such as Crystal Reiki Master, Usui Reiki Master, Light Language Linguest, Akashic healer, Seerer, Soul Retrieval, and Light Codes, to aid in her client's transformations. As a certified Soul Coach, she helps women heal traumas energetically and emotionally while simultaneously supporting them.

Brianna enables her clients to recover anything, from limiting beliefs to trauma. Once healed, she helps her clients instill a new belief system to support them in achieving their desires and living their most fulfilled lives.

Nicole Denner

Nicole Denner is a Life and Wellness coach, Accountability coach, Mentor, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Practitioner, Mental Health Practioner, Author and High Priestess - Teacher in magic.Her business is Nico Life Coaching.
Nicole is a Capricorn, empath and a lover of nature. She is deeply connected to the mind, body and spirit.
Her aim is to help as many people as she can, it is her passion and soul mission. She works with both "conventional" and "spiritual" Coaching.
Nicole has many specialities, such as Coping with, overcoming eating disorders, mental and physical illnesses, substance abuse, stress and anger management, trauma, self-care techniques, strategies and tools one can use, nutrition and general wellness.
She works with; Dream interpretations, herbology, crystal uses, multiple divination techniques; Oracle's and tarot such as working with the Angels, Fairies, Flower therapy, Past Life readings and does rune readings both witches and elder furthark, candle magic; Magic in general. As well as working closely with astrology.
Everything mentioned above are things she has personally dealt with and the things she uses and works with in her spirituality has always been her life path.
Nicole helps people with the above to be able to love, empower and accept themselves for who they are so that they can become the best version of themselves in their entire being.
Nicole is known for her Magical teachings and her knowledge within it. She helps those find their true selves through their path.
"Invest in Yourself - Aspire to Inspire" - Nico Life Coaching ™"Be The Light" - Nicole Denner

Course Pricing

12 monthly payment plan

12 payments of

$499.99 USD

per month

  • You will be commiting to making a payment every month for 12 month


6 Monthly payment plan.

6 payments of

$999.99 USD

per month

  • You will be commiting to make a payment every month for 6 months


3 month plan

3 payments of

$1999.99 USD

per month

  • This is a 3-month payment plan where you will be commiting to make a payment evey month


Full Price

$4999 USD

  • One payment

    • Learn to channel
    • 3-month Private Facebook group
    • Learn all things angelic
    • All things witchery
    • All things lightworking
    • Energy healing
    • Learn light language linguestics
    • All things psychic

Time Remaining before price goes up from
 $1,111.11 to $4,999.99
